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In shelter Cat

San Luis Rey, CA, 92068
Pet name:
Viserys (aka Skippy) is an outgoing, adventurous boy. He will fit into a busy home with children and thrive in the chaos.

He loves to try and steal your chicken from dinner or play with anything he deems a fun toy, like backpack straps. Bells are a definite favorite with this boy! Skippy loves to play, play and play some more. He loves rough housing with his siblings and chasing each other every where. When he isnt playing, he enjoys cuddling up when you are doing homework, but your pencil may make a good play toy when taking notes.

Viserys has been the best distraction bud for my daughter who is always taking notes for her high school classes. When he get bored with sitting, he runs out and finds the other little kids who will grab a cat toy and play with him.

He will make a great friend for kids and companion for adults at night. Skippy loves to sleep next to you in your bed at night and runs to greet you in the morning.

Currently, Skippy is fostered with his siblings, 6 children (ages 2-15 years old), 2 resident house cats and a large dog. None of the chaos phases him and he can be found sitting by us at the dinner table getting pets.

His forever family will have hit the jackpot with this boy, his fun and loving personality, combined with a confident, social kitty who is great with children.

As with all SPOT cats and kittens, Viserys is neutered, hes up-to-date on his vaccines, hes been dewormed, he was screened negative for FELV, and hes micro chipped.

His adoption fee is $150.00.
If youre interested in adopting Viserys, please fill out the cat adoption application below: To follow updates on SPOT kittens finding their furever family, LIKE us on Facebook:


All microchips registered with Findpet can be traced internationally through the American Animal Hospital Association’s (AAHA) universal pet microchip lookup, ensuring your pet's safety at home or during travel.