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Babe D14874   

In shelter Dog

Minnetonka, MN, 55345
Pet name:
Babe D14874
Border Collie
I am Babe. I am from Arkansas.

From the foster:

Babe is the spunkiest puppy Ive had the pleasure of caring for. This little girl just wants to play play play play. Chase, tug, toys, shes game. She is fearless and ready for any challenge. She even tries to keep up with my two wild shepherd mixes, although sometimes theyre a little too big and scary, so shell run under a tight spot until shes ready to come racing back out to confront them. She will let out this adorable little woof before doing things that are hard, like climbing steps or jumping on the couch. She loves a good snuggle but as soon as her puppy energy is back, shes all zip and zoom. She is hilarious and adorable. She does well following me around, knows "uh-huh", and is learning general manners.

She is doing well with kennel training and potty training for a 9 week old. Shes only had a few accidents in the house, and theyve mostly been on a strategically placed puppy pad.

Although she sleeps through the night and is getting used to her kennel, she has quite the little voice when she has business to tell you (or her brother). For this, shared walls may be a challenge while training. She is all puppy including vicious puppy teeth, so young kids would need to be supervised around her.


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