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In shelter Cat

Ottawa, ON, K2H 7A3
Pet name:
Domestic Short Hair
Gray / Blue / Silver
Becca is a lovely silvery grey DSH female kitty with the  exotic angular profile of an oriental shorthair.  She was abandoned in a cat carrier at the side of an isolated road and was fortunate to have been found by someone who happened by.   She is an older lady with a loving heart.  Becca  can be shy at first but,  given time,  she will show her loving personality.

Becca is quite curious, and will explore all the high spots that she can reach.  She enjoys being perched on top of a shelf or her cat tree to  survey her domain.  Warm computer towers also make for great lounging spots.  She likes to shadow her human, and often will jump into their lap, so that she can get head scratches.  She will sometimes sleep on the bed with her humans, and will be there in the morning to make sure that they dont forget about her.  However, she is not into waking them.  She will tolerate being picked up for short periods. 
Whenever her human walks into the kitchen, she will be there to make sure she doesnt miss a treat or a snack. 

She is interested in toys, and will play chase with her foster sister Chip.

Becca can take a while to warm up to other cats, and may be stand-offish at the beginning, but given time she will warm up to them.  Also, sometimes she can get frightened, but given a few minutes to herself, she will be back the loving cat that she is.


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