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In shelter Dog

Glendale, AZ, 85308
Pet name:
Great Dane
Gray / Blue / Silver
Extra Large
Coat length:
My favorite place to sleep:
Anywhere! No place too small, no area already taken is perfect for me.

My favorite activity is:
Zoomies, snuggles, sneaking any food left personally for me on the countertop (silly humans, you think you can hide stuff from me? heeheehee)!!!

My favorite snack is:
Counter food sneaked is the best - but treats after morning zoomies are better!!

I get along with / like:
Big Dogs, Little Dogs

I do not get along with / like:
Mysterious noises on opposite side of yard walls

Im scared of:

I am a MASSIVE CUDDLER!! There is no such thing as personal space with me around. I will lay on top of anyone and anything in the optimal comfy position!

My best day would be to:

Cuddles right on top of Obi or my smaller foster siblings. I can play fetch for hours ... possibly being let into my foster parents bed with them in it too. Cuddle fests for sure!

Other tidbits about me:

She is a slooth of a detective for food in the kitchen. No matter how fast you come back to put it away, she has done it for you! She is incredibly gentle with our 1 year-old and how he shares his food when we arent looking (all safe for puppers of course). Breakfast is her favorite meal to share with our son. Thawed blueberries slyly rolled off the high-chair and yogurt mysteriously dropped onto the floor!!

If you are interested in Rey please visit and fill out an application.


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