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In shelter Dog

Kiowa, OK, 74553
Pet name:
Great Pyrenees
White / Cream
Ready to share her story, meet Meera! ♥ ?

Since I was just a few days old, I have wanted a family of my very own. There is just something so magical about finding someone to spend the rest of your life with. Someone who will not only love you but also cherish you. Someone that you can give your all to and know that they wont betray your trust. I may be young but I have already had my heart broken once. The family I was born into didnt care for me very well. In fact, they really didnt want anything to do with my siblings and me, and one day we found ourselves abandoned in the country with no idea where to go. Not only did we lose our home that day but we also lost our mom and everything we ever knew. We were on our own for quite some time when we finally wandered upon a nice ladys property. She ended up letting us stay and kept us well fed, but was not able to keep us. Some of us also needed medical attention so she reached out for help. Thanks to some wonderful foster families stepping up, PPFT was able to answer her call and welcome us to their fluffy butt family. 

A visit to the vet revealed that I had a small laceration on my side that they fixed up. I also figured out why I was losing my fur, turned out I had demodex mange but have since been treated for that. I was also covered in ticks but also said goodbye to those nasty suckers as well. Now that I am getting good nutrition and am mange free, my coat is starting to come back in and when it does...get ready...because I am going to be a knockout! 

I am part of the M-Litter(McKinley, Moonflower, Merlot, and Meera-that is me!). I am estimated to be around 12 weeks old, and we are thinking that I am a Great Pyrenees/Aussie mix. I currently weigh around 20lbs but since I am a Pyrabear am told that I still have a lot of growing to do! While that may matter to you, it doesnt affect me at all. No matter how big I get, I will always believe that I am a lap dog and will happily still plop down on you for pets. I should also warn you that while my coat is thinned out right now, one day it will be full and glorious and its magical properties will return. You see, there is something quite amazing about a Pyrabears coat. No matter how much you brush us, and no matter how much you clean up after us...our fur will be wherever you go! We do this so you will never be alone! Even when you have to go on trips that take you away from us, you can bet that our fur will follow you! 

I try to always have a positive attitude about life and am always eager to make new friends. I do well when meeting new people but am told that I am overbearing sometimes as I love to give hugs. Considering I am a Pyrabear, I dont see why this is an issue...doesnt that come with the package of Meera? Despite my love for hugs, I am working on toning it down. However, if my new family has a lot of delicate flowers in it that tend to be pushed around with the slightest gusts of wind.....I probably wont be a good fit. You see, on top of my love for hugs, I am also entering my clumsy puppy stage. I am growing into my feet and will soon realize that I can use my body to block you when I want pets and may accidentally hip-check you in my excitement. I know that isnt how ladies should act but I am no petite flower. I am a playful, adventurous, roll-around-in-the-dirt kinda girl! I am not afraid to get down and dirty in the mud with the other dogs, so hopefully my new doggie sibling will love to play as much as me. I am already imagining all the zoomies and wrestling sessions we will have together! ♥

Toys have become a must for me and I very much enjoy playing with them. What I really love though are sticks! Sticks are soooo cool and fun to chew on! I hope my new family has lots and lots of sticks for me! I have heard tales from the other dogs about going out for adventures with people and on these really long walks called hikes. I have no experience doing either yet, apparently, I am still too young. Pfft, how unfair is that? Puppies never get to do anything! Anywho, with that injustice aside, I think I would really enjoy stuff like that. I would consider myself to be on the active side and love playing with the other dogs, doing zoomies in the yard, chewing on sticks, and then curling up close to the other dogs during nap time. Sometimes my foster mom will even pick me up and put me in her lap during quiet time and those are some of my favorite memories! I just feel so loved and cherished when she does that! ♥

I am still young so I am asking for a few things from my new family. First off, they need to realize that they are welcoming home someone who was never in a home before PPFT. Potty Training is a totally new and wild concept to me and while I am learning, I can already tell you this is something my new family needs to be ready to keep working with me on. I know it wont take me long with a good potty schedule but I need a supportive family who will be there every step of the way....even when I do leave an "oh oh" somewhere. I am also figuring out what all these cool items are, and what better way to find out than using my mouth?! If you dont want me grabbing something I shouldnt then I really think it would be a good idea to keep it put up. And if you do happen to leave it out, then you really cannot blame me if I chew on it...right? I have already started my training for singing the song of my people. Currently, I only do it if I hear a strange noise but given my ancestry, there may soon come a day that I start barking at ladybug farts miles away and changes in the wind. You never know when there a huge gust of ladybug farts may roll in so I am just doing my job of letting them know not to mess with my home! 

I think that is about it folks. I cannot think of anything to share about myself and really hope that someone amazing is going to welcome me home very soon! I am going to check out but read on to find out where I am being fostered, how to adopt me, and what my foster mom says about me! 

? Pickup Location: Sand Springs, OK
? Apply at

? From Meeras Foster Mom: 
Miss Blue Eye is a charmer. She enjoys sitting on my lap. Most of all she enjoys playing hard with the other pups or foster Fanny. Meera has double dew claws on her back feet. She will make someone whos active a great companion.


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