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In shelter Dog

Austin, TX, 78702
Pet name:
Pit Bull Terrier
Juna spent nearly a year being overlooked in the shelter before scoring a foster home. She was a volunteer favorite! While at the shelter, one of her volunteer friends said, Juna is one of the angel girls at the shelter. She is so sweet and happy. She waits for her people, ever so gently. I always feel happy when we are in a play yard and I get to see her running around and bouncing with a toy or a rope. She knows how to entertain herself and be carefree. Juna is one of the undiscovered pups; she is the kind of dog that you wonder, why is this sweet, angelic dog still here?? Junas foster says, Juna is sweet and loving dog. Once she bonds with you, she is very aware of your mood and will comfort you when youre upset. She loves going on walks, drives and being outdoors. Shes a gentle baby :) Shes an adorable girl who loves Indian food. She loves humans and loves to take over my bed. Shes very independent and will always ask you for anything she needs. She has the cutest underbite and the cutest eyes. Juna prefers to be the only fur-child in the home and will give you all the love needed!


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