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Cotton B.   

In shelter Dog

Atlanta, GA, 30359
Pet name:
Cotton B.
Great Pyrenees
White / Cream
Extra Large
Greetings, my pyr people! Im Cotton B., and Im just bursting with excitement to meet you! My coat is beautiful, but what makes me brilliant is Im excellent on the leash. Foster Mama says I ignore other walkers and focus on our hiking path because walking is one of my favorite activities. Another beatific quality of mine is that I can be left home alone without being destructive. I am at my absolute best when I am listening to my foster mom! The "Sit" and "Leave it" commands are my bread and butter, and Foster Mama is teaching me "Drop It" and "Place." I need someone to continue working on commands with me to keep me in tip-top shape! Ive already learned the most basic of commands: my name. I come when Im called, so youll always have my attention. The outdoors is where I really blossom, so Ill need a home with a fenced-in backyard. I feel so calm in the fresh, billowing air. Speaking of being relaxed, the most blissful home for me would be a quiet household with older kids or no kids with predictable routines. I thrive when I know exactly whats going on and exactly what Im supposed to do. What can I say? Im a pyr, and we love our procedures! The most special-est thing about me is that my family is my beloved, and I will love and protect them with my big, pyr heart. Will you take me home and help me settle in? I promise to cuddle you and keep you warm in this chilly weather!

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