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In shelter Dog

Chicago, IL, 60630
Pet name:
Parson Russell Terrier
The head of a hound dog, the body of a Jack Russell, the speckled coat of a Cattle Dog, and a heart of gold! Mix all that together and you get Nigel! Nigel is a 2 year old stumpy-legged, big-headed super mutt who came to CCR from a shelter in the Western suburbs where he had been found stray. Nigel was absolutely petrified in the shelter, refusing to move or even make eye contact. We believed he was someones pet who had ended up in a scary situation, so we took him back to CCR to do some behavior rehab. Jump forward a couple of weeks, and Nigel is not the shy, scared dog he used to be! Quite the opposite - Nigel is an active, social, friendly, exuberant, busy dog who loves attention and being treated like a little baby. Nigel is a terrier through and through - despite being 30 pounds, Nigel can jump almost 6 feet in the air when hes excited enough! He loves to play fetch and tug with toys, and he has the Cattle Dog habit of nibbling your ankles and elbows when he wants you to get a move on! Nigel is housetrained and used to going in his crate at night. He loves to be in the middle of the action and is the kind of dog who will want to be wherever you are, whenever youre there. Nigel is dog reactive, meaning he gets very worked up around other dogs and needs to keep a far distance from them even during leashed walks. We are looking for a home with a private fenced yard so he has alternatives to walking when he cant get good distance from other dogs. Nigels mouthy play style is too much for children, so were looking for adult homes. Hes the perfect addition to a home that loves terriers and all their smarts and energy. If you are looking for a busy bee to keep you on your toes, then Nigel is the man for you!

To meet Nigel, please submit an application at!


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