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In shelter Dog

Iowa City, IA, 52242
Pet name:
ADOPTED JAN-01-2023: Yay! I found my new home!

PUPDATE DEC-23-2023: Homeless Molar. Extremely naughty. Totally lives for a good time. Wouldnt listen to you if his fluffy butt was on fire. Wont come when called. Will steal anything you put within his reach. And too cute and sweet for his own good.
Fill out an application at your own risk.

"You know Elfie and Ellie and Festus and Izzy 
Bono and Bunsen and Doba and Dilly, 
But do you recall 
The most naughty butt of them all? 

Molar the Naughty Doggie 
Had a very fluffy bum, 
And if you ever called him, 
He would probably not come. 

All of the other fosters, 
Used to laugh and point their paws. 
Please, please adopt wee Molar 
With all his oddities and flaws! 

Think of your home on Christmas Eve 
How peaceful and how dull. 
"Molar, with your bum of fluff, 
Wont you come and steal my stuff?" 

Then once the family saw him, 
They grabbed him up with love. 
Molar the Naughty Doggie 
We love you and your FluffyButt!"

PUPDATE DEC-02-2023: Molar is a darling Poodle/Yorkie mix boy that is 2 years young and comes in at 16 lbs. He was returned a few times to the shelter since he is an escape artist! Hes going to need to have a very secure outdoor space. He also really wants another young dog to be his playmate. He has the cutest smile with his outstanding underbite. Hes very loving too. He has an extremely high energy level but will be a great kid for the right family.

Thank you for your inquiry. Once we get a completed application from you, we will get back with you as soon as we can. Please be patient because we all have jobs, families, and other obligations. You can find the application on our website at We look forward to talking with you.

ADOPTIONS: We dont let the fact that you might live out of state stop any adoption thats meant to be, but you MUST be willing to drive, or fly, all the way to pick up your new family member. We do not ship these kids on airplanes by themselves - we think theyd have a hard time getting through security without their rabies tag setting off the metal detectors. If the kid needs a health certificate because theyre flying home, that will be an expense for the new family.

ADOPTION DONATIONS: When you see the adoption donation amounts, wed like you to know that 90% of the time the donation amount doesnt even come close to covering that kids dogtor bills. This is definitely not a money-making venture. Were usually so far in the hole but the impawtant thing is to get these kids the medical care they need and help them find the pawfect family. Thats our top pawority. (I just cant resist using "paw" whenever I can!) 

POTTY TRAINING: Please note that we NEVER say our kids are 100% potty-trained. How stupid would we be to say something like that? If youre willing to be trained by your new family member, please fill out an application. If youre looking for a totally potty-trained kid, you may as well stop at the toy store on your way home from work and buy a stuffed toy because those are the only reliable ones to NOT potty in your home. There is a period of adjustment, not just for the new family member but for everyone in the house. You must be patient, understanding, and willing to work with your new family member. It can take anywhere from several days to several months. You must be 100% committed to this, its a lifetime commitment. 


Please be patient with us - were taking care of a lot of kids - our own and the foster kids - and we have families, homes and full time jobs. Were giving meds to the sick kids, playing with the healthy kids, and loving on all the kids. Were doing their laundry, trying to teach them manners and where to do their business, and cleaning up their accidents. In other words, were just a little busy but well on application inquiries just as fast as we pawssibly can. Thanks!


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