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In shelter Cat

Saanichton, BC, V8M 1S8
Pet name:
Blue Cream
Coat length:
This very handsome guy is Stevie. His striking good looks turn a lot of heads, but Stevie is looking for a pretty specific home that might be a bit tricky to find.  He will be a really great addition to the right family; we just have to find it. 

Stevie was originally found wandering as a very young, emaciated, feral kitten after his mother was killed.  Since Stevie had a tough/scary start to life, he can be really nervous around new people and in new environments.  If hes in a new place or meeting a new person, Stevie tends to hide. It takes a combination of patience, gentle forced love, food bribery, and interaction with other cats to help him learn to trust. However, once he is comfortable in his space, or with a new person... look out! Stevie turns from a nervous, anxious kitten, into a going concern. 

Once Stevie is comfortable in his environment you realize that hes full of beans. Stevie loves to run, to climb, to play with his toys, and to wrestle the other kitties. In fact, he will run and play until you force him to take a break. Hes got a lot of energy and needs a place to expel it (Stevie needs a large house to run around in, hes not an apartment cat). He also needs other cats to play with, and he needs someone who will play with him as well. A catified house will be important for Stevie because he will make a toy or jungle gym out of almost anything. Another endearing feature that he has is that Stevie likes to hoard things. He will take his blanket, toys, food dishes, and even small scratchers into his hidy-house. Anything that can be hoarded, will be hoarded. 

Although Stevie is nervous around new people, once he knows you he is incredibly affectionate. Stevie has a very loud purr and will start his motor as soon as you walk into the room. Hes chatty, but not very loud.  He likes to give hugs, is comfortable being carried around, and sometimes gives little face kisses. Hes a really sweet guy who just loves his people. 

Stevie also really loves other cats. He likes to chase, play, wrestle and snuggle. Stevies play style can be a little bit rough, so a cat that can keep up with him will be important. His energy is off-putting for older, more quiet cats. Another young male that Stevie can wrestle with, but who knows when to hold back and not escalate play behind whats fun, will be the best match for Stevie. 

As mentioned previously, Stevie is looking for someone who has a house with some space that he can run around in. He will be too much cat for an apartment or condo, especially as he grows. Hes already proving to be a big boy.  Since Stevie can be quite shy and anxious when in a new space or around new people, but then hes a going concern once hes comfortable, he will need an experienced owner to help him settle into a new family. Stevie will not be the right fit for a first time cat owner. He also really needs to be in a home with other cats. More than one would be ideal so that if one kitty isnt interested in playing at any given time, there is another kitty buffer to take on his energy. Stevie will not be the right fit for a home with children, or with an older person or someone with mobility issues. 

If you think your home might be a good fit for Stevie, please contact us at


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