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Mr. Whiskers   

In shelter Cat

Williamsburg, NM, 87942
Pet name:
Mr. Whiskers
Cream / Ivory
Coat length:
Hi from Desert Haven in the Desert Southwest! My name is Mr. Whiskers. Ive been told Im a Siamese cat, and that Im the only one of this breed living here. If by "Siamese" they mean "stunningly beautiful", then yes, I am that.

 I am unique in other ways too, for I am the one that flits into the middle of all of the action here in the Cool Cat Neighborhood (thats what they call our expansive, enclosed cat quarters here) and then flits right out again, before anyone can pet me. I always want to be PART of whats going on, but not really in a physical, petting sort of way. I am SO interested in the humans; I love them to see me trotting through the scene, so I always make myself known when they come to feed us or hang out. I wonder if, someday, if I had a family, Id grow in my confidence and let someone pet me and cuddle me? That would be neat! Id need a real patient human or family, one that would be OK sharing their home with me (indoor-only) and loving me from afar, and letting me warm up at my own pace. 

Here is ANOTHER unique thing about me: my eyes cross. Can you even believe how I was gifted with everything unique in this life? Its so cool! If your home is calm and sort of quiet, and you wish to share it with a unique cat who will love you forever, Im your boy. Love, Mr. Whiskers


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