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Kosmas Garden Of Angeles Inc.

Adoption policy

To protect farm animals from cruelty, to inspire change in the way society views and treats farm animals, and to promote compassionate vegan living Kosmas’ Garden of Angeles is a non-profit, volunteer dog rescue organization serving the Los Angeles County CA area. We are dedicated to rescuing animals from kill shelters and helping to other rescue groups to accommodate the animal in urgent need of care, those required more time before they get ready for adoption. We offer the animals for adoption, following a comprehensive adoption process which includes taking considerable care in finding good matches and educating prospective adopters about the responsibilities and costs of bringing an animal into their homes and lives. Animals in our care are spayed or neutered, receive all appropriate veterinary care and treatment. Some of the animals placed in nurturing foster homes while they await placement some other stay in our Sanctuary as long as it is needed, sometimes forever. The Sanctuary will provide an environment for animals to decompress, socialize, get healthy. We help animals in distress without regard to age, breed or ease of placement. To the extent our finances allow, dogs in the greatest need take priority but will accept cats, birds and farm animals. We are determined to keep administrative expenses extremely low and use a creative approach to get donations or otherwise support the need for sanctuary. Our organization is interested in cooperation with other non- profit rescue organization and local shelters to develop a network and to support our common goal.

All microchips registered with Findpet can be traced internationally through the American Animal Hospital Association’s (AAHA) universal pet microchip lookup, ensuring your pet's safety at home or during travel.