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In shelter Cat

Cornelius, NC, 28031
Pet name:
Domestic Short Hair
Orange & White
Coat length:
*If you are interested in applying for any of our cats or kittens please apply directly via the application linked on our rescues cat Instagram, @deejandthecats. We are unable to view inquiries sent via Pet Finder and will only reach out to those that apply through the correct application. Thank you!*

Looking for that unicorn orange female cat? Look no further, Posie is here! Posie girl is the mother to our litter of 9 white and orange kittens (all since adopted) and she is now just waiting for her turn at forever. Shes estimated to be just over a year old and is as sweet as can be in typical orange tabby fashion.

She loves to cuddle. 
She does great with other cats. 
She is a lap napper supreme and adorably cute. 

Posie would make a great addition to just about any family environment including kiddos. She can go out as a single cat or with other cats. Dogs have not been tested with her yet but with her calm demeanor she may do okay. We would likely do a foster trial first in that scenario. 

Please consider giving an older cat a chance at a home, many of them end up in foster care for several months if theyre lucky! Those not so lucky end up in the shelters with a more grim fate.


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